Unnayati believes that countries that adopt the internet will win the future and the ones that don’t will lose it. The industry that understood the importance of technology very well and started applying, is finance. It has led to the transformation in financial services, as a result, we are now witnessing a fintech revolution. Fintech is a combination of both physical and digital payments. The ultimate goal of fintech is to make financial services less expensive and more flexible per transaction. The Indian fintech market has already reached dollars 31 billion and is expected to reach dollars 84 billion by 2025, this clearly shows the future of fintech in the country. Unnayati has decided to enter this new age of technology which not only reduces costs but also brings effective financial services to the individuals and offers benefits to both consumers and businesses. Technological advancements have taken over the world of finance and improved its reach thus making it easier to access to a greater extent. Unnayati now plays its part to bring the investment capital into the commercial space which will make access to capital easier. Unnayati concentres on transforming accounting, e-commerce, payment processing, money transferring, funding, etc with the help of fully integrated technologies that combine multiple areas of businesses into one centralized managed function that reaches beyond boundaries.

Financial Access :

The population of our country are still way beyond reaching the complete set of banking services. Unbanked and underbanked population still exists to a greater extent, which is leading to low financial access as well as low savings. In order the eliminate these hardships, Unnayati has come forward with a financial inclusion model that provides financial access through the use of fintech. Our aim is to reach the underserved population in rural areas and spread our network to reach more individuals in the urban and semi-urban areas. By application of financial technology the underserved population is going witness the transformation in the way financial services are delivered and will now have easy reach to financial access.

Highly Secured Fintech Services:

Technological advancements has not only been transforming the businesses but also the world, one such transformation is in the financial sector through the development of financial technology. The new tech has been providing ease of access to financial services around the globe, and India is no exception. Financial technology makes banking easier and reaches wide spread geographical locations, but rural population might worry about the hidden risk in the form of data theft and cyber-attacks. To keep these in check and to provide risk free fintech access Unnayati has set up a secured mechanism that enables financial services to reach anywhere in the most secured manner.
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